What is RE3Generation?


An Offering

RE3Generation is an always evolving and expanding idea of how we can change the way we think about decisions to REgenerate our selves and our world. In sharing this idea with you, we agree to do our best to offer authentic examples of REgenerative choices and invite you to participate in this experiment.

We hope this offering will act as a catalyst. Through sharing REsources, REgenerative projects, companies, ideas, etc. we aim to be a conduit to this potential with expanding networks and movements that REthink the way that we view and engage in our economy.

A Proposal

RE3Generation was sparked from the generalized concept of sustainability. In our supposedly already depleted state, rather than go without so we can sustain, we choose to find ways to REgenerate so that we can thrive!

We propose that we REthink the way we understand our economy. Our perspective of economy extends beyond commercial and monetary exchange, and into how we relate with one another and our environments. The word economy stems from the Greek word oikonomia which means, ‘the way in which we take care of our home.’ We find this understanding of economy to be powerful, giving us opportunity to see it as a tool to REstoring healthy balanced ecology on earth, balance with each other and within ourselves.

An Awareness

We offer RE3Generation as an awareness. Expanding our perceptions on what is possible.  We hope that this awareness will be expansive to help people and projects in the manifestation of their potential.

An Example

We intend to be a living example of what it means to be Regenerative. Through our own signature projects and through featuring projects of other groups, we intend to showcase high integrity Regenerative projects. 

A Platform

We want to provide a platform for conversation about Regeneration. For this word to have lasting integrity, the people need a platform to hold those who use it accountable. This is intended to be a space for peer engagement and review.